Until June 30th, please contact The Art House about artwork purchases. After June 30th, please contact the artist directly via the links provided in their description.

In alphabetical order, all works are on 12” x 12” substrates

Danielle Beaulieu

“Regenerate” means to bring about new and more vigorous life, especially after a period of lock down. The butterflies convey a sense of renewal and the old lock symbolizes the resilience of artists after the pandemic.

Danielle Beaulieu


Psychological “resilience” positively stabilizes mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. The butterflies convey a sense of renewal and the old lock symbolizes the resilience of artists after the pandemic.

Sally Bender
Oil on canvas

During the pandemic I spent a lot of time walking in nature. Now that the pandemic is over, I find myself craving the peace those walks gave me and often going for a walk for that sense of peace that nature provides.

Sarah Bradfield
Beyond the Door
Acrylic on canvas
Open Door series (2) will explore what’s beyond when you take a step toward vulnerability. Too often we stay safe in the spaces that occupy us. These paintings feature a door/window open slightly, showing a bright space beyond. This ties to the show’s theme of emergence as it comments on the benefit of moving into new spaces, getting out of your comfort zone and ‘walking through the door’ to the next stage.

Barb Buchanan
thewildrooster (at) hotmail.com
Coming out of the Darkness

Acrylic on canvas

I wanted to represent how I felt mentally and physically coming out of the dark times of the Pandemic and the “rebirth” of a new world and life represented by the “Tree of Life”

Heather CarGio
Acrylic on canvas

Life during the pandemic started to feel very bleak and dark with the restrictions of what we could and couldn’t do. As the days, months, and even years marched on, a certain sameness – a monotony developed. The lifting of the restrictions and the reunion of family and friends brought the colour back to life. A burst of love and hope.

Cecilia Chan
Acrylic on canvas

We were concealed physically during the pandemic. It seems things are getting back to normal but we’re still being restrained, controlled by our government in many ways.

Cecilia Chan
Mixed media

We’re living in a information age and still confused of the source of information, the facts, the truths. How much truths or lies we have been told, how accurate of information have been spread. I’m still searching for answers or is there any answer.

AKA CHENDO STUDIOS – Dominic Chenier
“Enthusiastic Conversations”
Acrylic on canvas

As we emerge from the pandemic, so do our smiles and laughter, not to be just heard, but seen and felt as well. These nine representations reflect the genuine and appreciative bottom half facial expressions unseen behind the mask during the pandemic but familiar before. Expressions showing awe, joy, humour, gladness, wonder, curiosity, pleasantries, euphoria, and love whenever we interacted. Reacquainting with the bottom half of an old familiar friendly face.

Uzma Chowdhury / You See Visions
Spider Plant Spirit Mother
Acrylic on canvas

“What if life is meant to be in the alive and we are meant to life one more time? What if the mistakes are part of the learning? What if – thru the hardest parts of life – we lean into breathing more slowly? What if you’re an explorer of yourself? Who are you when the curtains fall? What if we just freely exist, ‘n’ grow into our existence?” From the depths of isolation, an artist budded forth. Hidden away after trials and tribulations of the ivory tower, she emerged from the quietude of the world, in remembrance of who she Is. A creative in every sense, ever since she was a child. One of her biggest inspirations is Mother Nature — & the way life quietly grows. At the beginning of the pandemic, she began taking care of a baby spider plant. Over the pandemic, her art practice and the plant grew more and more. And then just most recently in April, for the very first time, the spider plant blossomed its first few flowers. This made the artist think about the ways she too has slowly been growing in her own unbeknownst ways during these past few years, as a woman and emerging artist. This painting is a dedication to her journey and Spirit-full visions.

Bike on Ottawa River

Acrylic on canvas & wood panel

Cycling along the waterfront wasn’t just about exercise anymore. It became important to get outside and enjoy the green space on the waterfront as much as possible. After quitting smoking in 2020, building a new healthier routine around cycling was instrumental in combating the mental and emotional rigors of social isolation, cabin fever and depression which came along with pandemic restrictions. And its still the best way to get to and from town.

Isabelle Daigle 
Reprends ton souffle

Mixed media

Emerging out of the water to finally breathe again!

Isabelle Daigle 

Mixed media

The feeling of freedom. Getting out of a long period of isolation, followed by a spiritual growth.

Julia Davids

Acrylic on canvas

This piece is about the changes that have taken place for me during and beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic. On my journey to becoming a new teacher, I had to overcome many obstacles and faced some challenging times as we all sifted through isolation and uncertainty. This piece is a reminder of my resilience, my journey to self-love, and the joy and connection that I have found through art as I emerged into the Ottawa art scene post-pandemic.

Sonia Derya
The Thermal Reflection

Acrylic on canvas

A thermal camera reflecting people in a museum reminded me the days of pandemic.

Ehren English

Acrylic on wood panel

Cicadas are notorious for their long underground lives as nymphs, hidden amongst tree roots, emerging after years and metamorphing into adults, swarming and buzzing loudly in the summer heat. This is a Zammara cicada from tropical South America, chosen for its bright colour. 

Alexandra Finkeldey/Scatterbee
Aurora Ursi

Gouache on wood panel

A bear emerges from the forest at dawn after a long, yawning winter. She takes in her surroundings; both familiar yet unmistakably changed. She gathers her strength as she steps into the uncertain season ahead.

Peace in the City

Acrylic on wood panel

The pandemic may have kept many confined, but it brought us together with new forms of media, and launched us into a world of new Norms. Urban adventuring happened daily. I wanted this piece to express my love of the urban centre while also showcasing new styles I had explored while in lockdown. 

Kina Forney

Back in Business
Oil on wood panel

The biggest sign of coming out of isolation for me and my family was the capability to travel once again. Having the ability to see friends and family after such a long hiatus was a form of emergence for us that we are all very grateful for. 

Andre Gardiner
Shine bright!

Mixed media

Inspired by the theme of Emergence, I decided to paint a Pheonix rising up from the ashes to represent a few things such as: having a new start, to keep trying your best, to putting yourself out there and to let your light shine.

Élise Gauthier

Following the Threads – L’Araignée, panel 1 of 3
Mixed media

Following the Threads represents my journey as a multidisciplinary creator, and is inspired by previous theatrical creations I’ve produced in the past or plan to produce as I emerge from a pandemic motherhood. L’Araignée was produced as a performance piece at the 2014 Ottawa Fringe Festival, telling the story of a beautiful world that was destroyed, not by malice, but by ignorance. The creatures of this world must rebuild and reinvent themselves, and are seeking the path that will lead them to reconstruction.

Élise Gauthier

Following the Threads – Pan-Dora, panel 2 of 3
Mixed media

Pan-Dora was first performed at the 2015 Fresh Meat theatre festival, and is still a work-in-progress. In this version, Pandora is a bag lady, carrying her guilt in her bags, jars and boxes, and Hope is a street preacher, promising the end of pain. In the end, Pandora breaks the jar that started it all, and frees herself from her history, ready to start over.

Élise Gauthier

Following the Threads – Re-Born, panel 3 of 3
Mixed media

Re-Born is still very much a work in progress. Exploring the isolation of a new mother thrown into the deep end by postpartum depression and a world pandemic, this piece represents the artist’s loss of self, and struggle to come back to herself. Crochet became a very real way for me to express my creative side while having a young child constantly attached to me, so the crocheted octopus is there to protect my new and fragile self, and give her strength to emerge.

Soumi Ghosh

The Promise of Hope
Acrylic on canvas

The Promise of Hope that every day brings. Model – Self, Lac Ruthledge, Quebec, Fall 2022

Soumi Ghosh

Auld Lang Syne
Acrylic on canvas

Dedicated to the memory and longing for our loved and dear ones lost. Taken too soon from us. The nostalgia in the “New Normal”. The painting’s view can be found at The Château Ramezay, Montreal. Observed by artist during a visit in spring, 2023.

Amy Huras

By my side
Acrylic on canvas

This is a painting of a photo I took while walking my dog Basil in the wintertime. Basil’s constant companionship helped to breakup the isolation of pandemic lockdowns, and our daily walks (which gave us a reason to “emerge” from our apartment and explore the beautiful outdoors) brought me a lot of joy.

Amy Huras

Acrylic on canvas

Stromatolites are living fossils formed by layer upon layer of sediment-trapping cyanobacteria. These ancient rock-like structures emerge from the Ottawa River near the Champlain Bridge when the water is low, often in the early Fall. This painting is based on a photo I took while biking along the Voyageur pathway, a favourite pandemic past-time.

Soren Jensen
jensen_s (at) sympatico.ca

Going Out
Oil on canvas

Meeting at the four corners after the crisis

Ron Kok

Live and Let Live
Mixed media

During our time submerged in our lockdowns, nature experienced an amazing emergence – Waters became cleaner, skies became clearer, plants thrived and various wildlife returned to places they hadn’t been seen in for decades. In our post-COVID Emergence, I hope we all take into consideration that to lessen our impact is to increase their ability to survive and thrive. May we always remember the positive side to our retreat from the world. 

Paul Knoll

Sunshine and Rainbow
Acrylic on canvas

Coming out of the dark skies of the pandemic, we can now see the sun and beautiful colours again. 

Yekaterina Kudritskaya 

Mixed media

Wildflowers emerge after the long cold winter and just like them, artist emerge after a long and isolating period of closures and lockdowns. Trilliums are delicate but resilient, I believe that our creativity makes as delicate and vulnerable, but also resilient and persistent.

Pinta Luyo 

Hitsura (A Form, A Shape, A Face)
Oil on canvas

What am I, who am I, and who do I want to be? A collage of shapes, colours, and formations that mould a sense of selfhood amidst the challenges of illness, dis-ability and recovery.

Carrie Marston

Acrylic on canvas

A girl emerging from her roots, growth from the ground, freedom after being planted.

Angela McGowan

Out In Pieces
Acrylic on canvas

Covid may be over but I feel it has left me in pieces.

Angela McGowan

Stay Beautiful
Acrylic on canvas

Marble is so hard, like Covid. Butterfly represents to me lightness.

Maureen Rooney Mitchell

Oil on canvas

The stultifying effect of the pandemic left me uninspired and artistically moribund. (Illustrated by the empty picture hook) This artwork whimsically describes overcoming this and ‘breaking through’ a creative wall.

Mitra Salamzada

Embracing the Light Within 
Oil on canvas

A captivating painting that embodies the profound journey of embracing one’s true self. The central figure, with closed eyes and arms reaching outward, symbolizes the strength and authenticity that reside within each of us. Through vibrant colours and meticulous brushwork, the artwork captures the transformative power of self-discovery and personal growth. The radiant light emanating from within the figure reflects the inner radiance and the courage it takes to embrace one’s unique path. This painting serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and fulfillment that comes from fully embracing the light within ourselves.

An Nguyen

Threading Strength
Acrylic on canvas

Have you ever wondered how we are all connected? For the Emergence Show I wanted to depict diverse hands connected together by a common thread. The thread symbolizes our love, our passions, commonalities that bring us together. The fragility of these bonds are nurtured in a constant tug and pull, each lifting when it matters the most. When we emerge as our best selves it’s because we are brave enough to recognize moments when we stand strong and when we need to lean on others for support. 

Sarah C. O’Neill

Antithetically Theirs
Acrylic on canvas

Navigating early motherhood and bringing a new life into the pandemic completely dismanteled my sense of self. This painting explores my journey of returning to the post pandemic world after being given the gracious and private pause to regain my identity; who I have become, and taking control of who I want to be as a mother, artist, peer, and partner, pulsating between identities of living selflessly and selfishly, for the good of my family. 

Yulia Pavlenko

Acrylic on canvas

I was exploring how a person is formed and influenced by various events and other people around. So I pictured a person as a result of complex overlapping factors.

Sara Prisma

Emergence of Play
Mixed media

Allowing oneself to engage for enjoyment, to sink into flow without practical purpose. Time indoors has changed priorities again and again, having fun is a such a necessity. Exploring living and playing alone and together, participating in life as we once did as children.

Sara Prisma

Emergence of Self
Mixed media

Basking in the glory of thyself, for all the efforts and persistence. Having been tucked away, there is a bold reclaiming of occupying space. Being out and about, shining brightly, intertwined with all that is – we are.

Sara Prisma

Emergence of Community
Mixed media

Supporting fellow folks, out of isolation and towards camaraderie. Encouraging honoring one’s own pace, becoming ready to welcome new vibes. Holding space and sharing love within the collective, coming to unify.

Sally Thomas

Still Fighting
Acrylic on canvas

We must remain vigilant and fight back against this terrible pandemic! 

Eric Trottier

Out of the Water
Acrylic paint, epoxy

The dark colors represent the feeling of being trapped “under water”.the wave represents getting “out of the water”.

Eric Trottier 

Sail Away
Acrylic and spray paint

The dark hole represents the feeling of being trapped.The colored splashes represent the liberation.the ship escaping the kraken “virus”.


My Dude
Posca on wood panel

Sailor dude is a dude for everyone. In the streets or in your home. All money made from art goes directly into more street art. Supporting Sailor means you are supporting street art. Thanks!


Sailor Dude
Posca on wood panel

Sailor dude is a dude for everyone. In the streets or in your home. All money made from art goes directly into more street art. Supporting Sailor means you are supporting street art. Thanks!

Stefan Tzekov

Acrylic on canvas

This painting depicts a character design I came up with during the pandemic.

Tracey Vibert

What did we do?
Mixed media

In the months of lockdown, we donned masks, we donned gloves, we dyed our own hair, we cut our own bangs. Our eyes suffered for looking at screens. We waited for our online orders, we melted into mental health crisis. 

Tracey Vibert

A New Dawn
Mixed media

When we could emerge, we walked, we got our hair professionally cut, we sought to look into the distance to soothe our souls. And we keep our masks handy as, in the moment, it is still a risk to breathe unprotected.

Sara Zeineddine

Oil on wood panel

My identity post-covid has been a mix of discovery, healing & temperance. My artwork showcases the patience that has helped me bloom into the person i am today. A version i keep growing & transforming through time. Emergence is not linear, but multidimensional.